Sunday, April 13, 2008

Let the Dating Begin!

I went on a date last night with a psychiatrist. It was a personal ad type date, but I had talked to him on the phone a bunch of times, and he seemed OK. UM, not really.....

I get there, and he's 20 minutes late (I HATE THAT), but whatever, I just played tetris on my phone. Then he was like "why aren't you wearing a red hooded sweatshirt? It turned me on in the picture you sent me." Then he said, "your hair looks great" and some other general compliments. However things started getting weird when he petted my hair, and then he grabbed my wrist, to check its size, and later commented that his dick was bigger than my wrist. He seriously, I shit you not, took both of my hands (we were sitting side by side at the bar) and was holding on to them REALLY tight. I tried to get him to let go, and then I just had to say "I'm going to the bathroom." So I went to the bathroom and texted my friend with "I am on the worst date ever. Come save me. At scully's"

She came, we started talking, he excused himself to the bathroom. Then there was a table of guys behind us that started talking to J (my friend), so we turned around to talk to them while he was in the bathroom. Maybe 3 min later he comes out, has his phone out, is talking on it and WALKS OUT WITH OUT SAYING ANYTHING.

I was really happy!

1 comment:

Elmwood said...

I can not believe I haven't dated all the crazies in Chicago! I thought for sure I had them all covered
That's just so annoying!